Farm Fresh Eggs $8/dozen (UNAVAILABLE AT THIS TIME)

Our chickens are fed a special diet that is both soy and corn free. We ferment their feed to bring our as much nutrients as possible as well as make it easy for them to digest. It also helps them to stay hydrated.

Our hens are fed greens such as kale, spinach, lettuce mixes and more. They enjoy grubs and black seeds as a treat as well.

We do our best to feed our flock with intention. We not only want them to be healthy and thrive, but we also want them to give us the most nutrient dense eggs possible.


We have entered molting season. During this time, the chickens will lose their feathers and grow new ones for winter. They use all of their energy to grow these feathers and stop laying.

We understand eggs are a part of our daily diet, so we do apologize that we cannot fulfill all orders.

Thank you for your understanding!

Elderberry Syrup Kit. $16

Help keep yourself and your family healthy with our Elderberry Syrup Kit!

What are the benefits of Elderberry?

Elderberry is high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and high in vitamin C. It supports immune health as well as aids in relieving cold and flu symptoms.

We have added other spices into our kit that also aid in the prevention and heading such as ginger root, clove and cinnamon!

Our kit makes 24-32 oz of concentrated elderberry syrup that you can take daily to keep your immune system healthy or to take as needed to relieve cold and flu symptoms when you are sick or feel it coming on.

Our kit includes instructions on the back. Expires January 2026.